UCoin attracted lots of attention on the market. Why’s that?

UCoin attracted lots of attention on the market. Why's that?

UCoin’s new token has ranked high on the market. Its ICO began on Tuesday, and it will end on June 30, 2021. The token’s total supply is 5,000,000,000 UCOIN, but only 50% is available for sale. The price is $1.00 per UCOIN. This digital currency one-stop ecosystem is based on smart contracts and the Ethereum blockchain technology.

UCoin offers its token holders and both crypto and fiat users a diversified digital and global financial service network for their daily transactions.

Universal Coin International, Inc. issued UCoin, to achieve the stability of real assets. The company has built UCoin multi-level platforms and a multi-level financial ecosystem on blockchain technology. The latter houses an industry-leading array of functionalities that utilize microservice architecture to ensure limitless scalability.

UCOIN is an ERC20 utility token. The team created it to ensure that its ecosystem of business applications would have global circulation. Besides, the holder will find the token useful when it comes to basic daily real-life transaction needs.

According to Universal Coin International, the token will be available, valuable, and usable to everyone. It launched UCoin with the support of several global financial services platforms.

How can customers use UCOIN?

The company announced recently that its technology is ready. The ERC20 Token is also available. Universal Coin International has registered the UCoin name and logo brands.

Besides, it built UCoin on the Ethereum platform, and it is one of the most reliable blockchains. UCoin already gained membership of The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance. And it attracted investors’ attention, making it on the top of hot ICO lists.

UCoin Business Ecosystem (Ubis) enables the token holders to have global circulation accessing diversified digital commerce and financial networks in support of their daily transactions.

Furthermore, UCoin operating ecosystem includes the best strategic alliances and partner teams worldwide. They work on developing new sustainable business services and products. Universal Coin International, LLC. plans to establish this token and its worth in the market as a universal currency.

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