UK under Lockdown Following Government’s Strict Quarantine Measures against Coronavirus
The Coronavirus continues to spread and further devastate Europe.
The UK government has completely locked down the country to tighten quarantine measures against the spread of Coronavirus.
Addressing the nation from London on March 23, 2020, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that the British people would be on lockdown, with restricted movement to exercise or go shopping for essential items.
The directive stated that from Tuesday, non-essential public spaces and buildings will no longer be active. This includes areas for libraries, churches, gyms, baptisms, and weddings.
While the country is locking down, together with others around the world, global economic news reports that China, which seemed to be on its way to recovery could be facing another virus outbreak, Hantavirus that has reportedly already killed one person:
“Anyone who comes into contact with rodents that carry Hantaviruses is at risk of HPS. Rodent infestation in and around the home remains the primary risk for Hantavirus exposure. Even healthy individuals are at risk for HPS infection if exposed to the virus.”
Prime Minister Boris Calls Coronavirus the Biggest Threat the UK Has Faced in Decades
In his address, he stated the importance of slowing the spread of the disease. He added that even in other countries with great healthcare systems like the UK, the danger is still imminent. He further added that a lack of responsible quarantine would eventually break healthcare efforts.
“Without a huge national effort to halt the growth of this virus, there will come a moment when no health service in the world could possibly cope; because there won’t be enough ventilators, enough intensive care beds, enough doctors and nurses.”
The Prime minister also mentioned other indirect effects of the Coronavirus due to an overwhelming rate of new infections. He stated:
“If too many people become seriously unwell at one time, the NHS will be unable to handle it,-meaning more people are likely to die, not just from coronavirus, but from other illnesses as well.”
UK Government: The following Are the Only Reasons You Should Leave Your Home
While the majority of British people have so far been complying with directives to stay at home, the PM said that now they must. He announced a new directive, an instruction saying that everyone in the UK has been ordered to stay at home to stop the virus from spreading from one household to the next.
People will only go out for essential purposes for those who cannot work from home. These could be”shopping for basic necessities, one form of exercise a day, medical needs, and traveling to and from work,”.
Social meetings with friends or family are banned for now. Going out for essential items should be done as infrequently as possible:
“If you do not follow these rules, the police will have the power to enforce them, including through fines and dispersing gatherings.”
The Country Will Review the Strict Measure in Three Weeks
“I can assure you that we will keep these restrictions under constant review. We will look again in three weeks, and relax them if the evidence shows we are able to.”
The Prime Minister urged British people to comply with these orders to give a chance for the special programs. The government has implemented these programs for businesses and workers during this outbreak season.
He also added that the severity of the diseases calls upon strict measures that hurt the UK and world economy. He stated that governments are only doing this as an obligation to save lives:
“At the present, there are no easy options, the way ahead is hard, and it is still true that many lives will sadly be lost.”
Finishing his address, Boris hinted that buying time will allow more clinical workers to get back to work. They can increase their stock of equipment, and accelerate their search for a vaccine, which might be underway:
“Each and every one of use is now obliged to join together, to halt the spread of the disease, to protect our NHS and to save many, many thousands of lives.”
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