Facebook.com Allows Photo Transfer| FinanceBrokerage

Home page of social network site Facebook.

Facebook.com and its app of the same name now let users bulk export their media to Google photos.

Facebook just unveiled a photo transfer tool that lets users move their photos and videos without re-uploading one by one.

This feature comes as a part of the company’s Data Transfer Project. The DTP is an agreement between Google, Microsoft, Twitter, and Facebook.

Their goal is to make the movement of data between platforms more straightforward and faster. Apple Inc. joined the party just recently.

According to Facebook, the photo transfer feature is only initially available in Ireland. That’s where the company’s international headquarters is.

The social media giant is still testing and tweaking the feature according to feedback. However, the tech giant estimates that “worldwide availability” will be in the first half of next year.

DTP and Facebook.com

For some experts, the DTP is not at all only about photo transfer or Google Photos. Instead, it’s more about the alleviating the friction between the service companies and the users.

As a result, major technology platforms need to collaborate to develop tools bridging their systems. For the users, this means easier content management.

In a blog post, Facebook director of privacy and public policy said users should be able to move data from one service to another.

This move gives people “control and choice while also encouraging innovation.”

At the same time, Facebook also cites a white paper that came out in September. In the white paper, the company said it advocates for “clear rules.”

These rules govern the types of transferrable data. At the same time, the rules should point out who is responsible for data protection as it moves.

Furthermore, the white paper described portability tools as “helping to keep competition vibrant.”

Facebook.com’s Data Privacy Regulatory Woes

Although Facebook claims that data portability is a big issue, it’s also wise to remember that it is facing antitrust probes.

Authorities are scrutinizing the service providers’ hold on user data and data privacy — still, an increasing number of regulations around the world call for data portability.

The tech giant has tried to fight the perception that it mishandles user data privacy. It is also seeking to get ahead of proposed legislation concerning data portability.

Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation says that users should be able to transfer data between services. The GDPR took effect last May.

According to the blog post, the company hopes to advance conversations on privacy questions.

Also, it called for DTP members to expand options for people and “continue to push portability innovation forward.”

Photo Transfer Tool: A Smokescreen?

Meanwhile, some experts argue that the move was only a smokescreen for the company.

Facebook.com processes data, like photos, to gain insights from the users. These insights, in turn, serve ad targeting purposes.

That means even if users send their photos somewhere else, Facebook has already gained insights about you. By extension, Facebook still has your data until you delete your account.

At present, there is no tool from the company for users to control the algorithm of the service.

The system will continue to make its inferences according to personal data, like photos.