travel, coin, coins, airplane, t coin

What is T coin and where to buy T coins?

Let’s dive into the world of Tcoin and unravel its mysteries in a way that’s easy to grasp, even if you’re not a crypto whiz.

What is TCOIN ?

As a blockchain enthusiast, have you ever thought about what exactly is a T-coin? You have probably heard of it but would like to learn more? Many people are reading the T coins news daily to keep informed about one of the most popular coins nowadays. For those who’ve never dealt with them, let’s see what the coin is in the first place.

A TCOIN, represents an open-source, decentralized cryptocurrency offering transparent transactions and private types. Users can generate the crypto through the process of mining.

T coin latest statistics

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of the governance token for the threshold – market cap and circulating supply. Market cap, short for market capitalization, is like the total value of T coin out there. It’s like figuring out how much all the apples in an orchard are worth. As for circulating supply, it’s about how many T coins are out there in the market, being bought, sold, or just held.

Threshold Network did something pretty cool on January 1, 2022. It’s like they opened a new chapter, offering this fresh token and promising to focus on things like proxy re-encryption and access control. Proxy re-encryption is a fancy term for securely passing data around, while access control is about deciding who gets to see or use certain data.

Buying T-coin is pretty straightforward. You head over to a crypto exchange – these are like digital marketplaces for buying and selling digital assets. Once you’re there, you can trade your regular money or other cryptocurrencies for some shiny new T coins.

TCOIN statistics

It’s price at the time of this writing is $0.02412 according to Coinmarketcap.

  • Market cap $228,938,059
  • Fully diluted market cap$253,651,004
  • All time high Mar 02, 2022 (2 years ago)
    $0.224 highest price

How to buy T coin

First, you choose a crypto exchange with treshold coin listed. Think of it like picking a store to shop at. You set up an account there, which is usually a breeze.

Next, you need something to trade with. This could be your regular fiat currency (like dollars or euros) or another cryptocurrency you own. You then search for Treshold coin on the exchange, and it’s like adding it to your shopping cart. Decide how much you want, check the price, and make your trade.

T is backed by the Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Did you know that the T coins are backed by the famous Binance Smart Chain (BSC)? That this chain refers to the cheapest, fastest, and, undoubtedly, most secured technology on the planet at the moment?

Whether you’ve been familiar with it or not, the tokens are known to deliver the latest and highest quality solutions in the digital era to businesses and customers all over the world in the tourism industry.

How will hospitality businesses be attracted to T tokens?

The support team will be formed to keep in touch with businesses in the tourism industry and help implement the Travel Coin ecosystem with their company. Also, the support team will be responsible for promoting the benefits of using the TCOIN token.

Remember that the first hospitality business to use these tokens for their customers as a reward and enroll in the Travel Coin Ecosystem will profit from free tokens. Of course, it all depends on the number of offered facilities and accommodations to tourists. They will also receive free advertising materials that will be delivered straight to their locations.

  • Support
  • Platform
  • Spread
  • Trading Instrument
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