Swiss Online Bank Dukascopy Exposes a Russian Scam Clone

Swiss Bank Exposes a Russian Scam Clone

Dukascopy is a Swiss online bank. It specializes in mobile and online trading, financial services and banking. Dukascopy Bank has three official branches. First, Dukascopy Europe IBS AS, based in Riga. The second one, type-1 licensed broker, is located in Japan, Tokyo, Dukascopy. The third branch is also located in Riga, SIA Dukascopy Payments. All of these subsidiaries are licensed and officially regulated.  The Dukascopy Bank’s headquarters and offices are located in Switzerland, Singapore, Geneva, Moscow, Kuala Lumpur, Kyiv, Hong Kong, Dubai, and Tokyo. The company has up to 300 employees.

Recently, the company made an announcement about a fraudulent broker ( that was using Dukascopy’s brand and logo to attract clients. It warned against a Russian-focused ‎crypto and forex ‎trading provider that has been falsely claiming affiliation with its ‎authorized brand.

Dukascopy confirmed that it has no affiliation with the scam company and advised everyone to avoid it entirely.‎ Last month, the broker reported its financial metrics for H1 2019. It showed a slight decrease in its operating revenues. However, Dukascopy has been taking steps towards strengthening its cryptocurrency offering. In addition, it is working on allowing enabling free internal crypto-transfers between users of mobile banking. In addition, recently Dukascopy started granting permission to withdraw funds in digital coins.

Dukascopy’s Scam Clone

The forex bank stated that it is taking actions against this deceitful and fraudulent organization. Dukascopy plans to offer the custody service for Dukascash tokens. It will obtain Dukascash tokens from its user, as a payment for its services, at the exchange rate of 1:1 to the fiat base currency.

Dukascopy stated that users must not trust any information on the website The web page’s information is a scam. In addition, the deceitful brand is trying to mislead investors into ‎thinking that it is offering ‎a ‎‎legal product. Also, clients should not provide their personal data to the unregulated and unknown sources.  However, investors should be aware that the original company is not available to help in withdrawing funds.



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