Protocolo NFTD oferece supermercado NFT

NFTD Protocol offers NFT supermarket. What about its ICO?

The NFTD Protocol project is relatively new, but it has already attracted investors’ attention. The company plans to launch its native token tomorrow. The ICO sale will begin on May 26, 2021, and end on Jun 2, 2021. According to the NFTD Protocol, they aim to raise $100,000 by trading 100,000 tokens. The ICO price is $1 per token.

NFTD is a smart NFT supermarket system created specifically for digitals products. The sellers and products they sell are identified as a unique tokenID in this smart shopping system. After the involved parties complete the transaction, the platform will confirm the buyer’s ownership immediately.

Currently, buying on online shopping systems can be risky. Not even big chains like Amazon guarantee the quality of the products. While they reimburse the money if something goes wrong, customers don’t even have that kind of assurance from less-known online shopping platforms. The seller sends the product to the customer. However, it does not give clear proof of ownership of the product.

That can reduce the value of the goods if the customer later wants to sell them to someone else. NFTD resolved this issue. Every transaction completed on its Uquid Shop will include proof of the owner along with the goods client purchased.

NFTD’s long-term goal is to make NFTs available in people’s everyday life. Its founders wanted to simplify the visual concepts of NFTs as customers often have difficulty understanding and implement them. The company aims for Uquid Shop to become an Amazon for crypto in the future.

What kinds of products will this digital supermarket offer?

People will be able to sell unique content on the Uquid NFTs platform, including Tiktok Video Content, Youtube Videos, Tweets & Social media Post, and Livestreamer Content.

Furthermore, digital products will be available as well, including Computer Software, Top-up Subscription, Coupon, Vouchers, and Gift cards, as well as Games and Antivirus. Using such products into sales as NFTs makes the selling and buying process much more transparent.

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