Is Revain a Good Investment - Get All The Essential Info

Is Revain a Good Investment – Get All The Essential Info

Have you ever wondered, “Is Revain a good investment opportunity?”. How much is it worth investing in a different alternative cryptocurrency nowadays? And what does Revain mean?

In the volatile and dynamic crypto market, investment opportunities abound. Almost daily, new cryptocurrencies and projects emerge that can be very valuable but also a complete failure. Therefore, it is unsurprising why many people ask, “Is Revain a good investment or not.”

To properly answer this question, let’s first find out everything that has to do with Revain cryptocurrency and the project, shall we?

What is Revain exactly?

Revain is the name of the entirely new project or a review platform with the goal of selecting and rewarding user feedback on diverse services and products with the Blockchain technology leveraging. 

This project is established on Tron and Ethereum, and it utilizes their personal technology to stave off admissible stakeholders from interfering with their reviews. At the same time, their users are getting rewarded for their feedback. 

The platform is very similar to other reviewing platforms like Trip Advisor, Yelp, etc., which all serve individual authors worldwide to write their reviews and put ratings on them. Once these are written and published, the Revain platform is there to:

  • Collect
  • Average
  • Publish corresponding scores along with their rankings.

Offerings of the Revain platform

Revain users are able to obtain each of these offerings:

  • Revain Platform: A place where users can find reviews and ratings for diverse companies and their products/services.
  • Revain Academy: Fantastic platform for absolute beginners in the crypto sphere where they can get all the relevant educational material.


  • Revain Widget: The best tool for integrating Revain reviews into diverse company websites.

Trustworthy blockchain review platform

Since it has managed to position itself as one of the most legitimate and trustworthy blockchain review platforms, it’s no wonder that numerous people are wondering, “Is Revain a good investment nowadays.” 

This platform assists businesses in getting in touch with their target audience and successfully promoting their services and products. Besides, there are free and commercial services on Revain that can be used by companies offering marketing and SEO services. 

Five-star rating system

The five-star rating system can rate all products and services on the Revain platform. It’s a traditional rating system across the web for providing information about the quality and performance of any product, company, or service. 

One of the main goals of the Revain project is to improve the feedback practice on the web since it can still be easily manipulated online by interested parties. For that reason, potential customers may not get 100% genuine information and data about their preferred products or services online.

Unique Revain system

The team behind the Revain project has created a special system that enables contributors to follow uncompromising procedures once they’ve submitted their feedback. With this platform, all users have to pass once submitting reviews. 

The first step in this process involves AI filtering once the Review Automatic Filtering system functions via the submitted data to eliminate plagiarism, spam, or any other fake information or facts. For reviews to be approved, they must pass via Manual Verification.

In that verification process, reviews are checked to accept or decline them. Ultimately, in case the review gets disputed, the moderators are those who decide on its future. 

This system has six levels, where the best reviewers with the best score can obtain the Expert status and become popular on the main Revain page. To achieve this top level, a user must write at least 200 reviews generating rewards. “Revainer” status and a purple badge mean this category’s highest level. To achieve it, it’s also required to have 4000 XP.

A brief history of the Revain project and its cryptocurrencies


Rinat Arslanov, a blockchain lover and venture capitalist, launched the project in 2018. The crowd sale funded it. Thanks to its R-tokens sale in 2017, the company has managed to raise more than $8.5 million.

Later on, this popular and profitable asset got another name, REV. In April 2020, the team behind the Revain platform succeeded in token completion and migration. Right after the launch of the platform, the main focus of it is to develop and enable a suitable environment for the development of web apps or SPA, i.e., Single-Page Apps. 

The team behind the Revain project

The team behind the Revain project includes a co-founder and CEO, Rinat Arslanov, who has graduated from the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. Before that, he gained experience in the residential construction industry, where he learned how powerful and useful feedback is in general. 

He witnessed how just a couple of positive reviews brought the company four new orders without any other advertising. That led him to invent the Revain platform, where reviews aren’t able to be deleted. Another co-founder and CFO at Revain are Grigor Aproyan. He studied at the Finance University and Bauman Moscow Technical University in Russia.

Two native Revain cryptocurrencies

There are two native cryptocurrencies that the Revain platform offers in order to motivate their users to leave proper feedback:

  • REV: The famous utility token that diverse companies utilize for encouraging reviews. It’s also used to provide a vehicle for all those individuals to withdraw RVN tokens to various exchanges.
  • RVN: This refers to a dollar-pegged stablecoin that rewards and penalizes companies and users in the entire review process.

In other words, the platform has two different cryptocurrencies. With them, all platform members could easily leave their unique reviews. RVN has the value of the US dollar at a 1:1 ratio. Users get RVN as a reward for their reviews, i.e., a contribution for their work on the Revain platform.

Nonetheless, the platform can also be penalized if users break their rules. REV token has been released for utility purposes, mainly encouraging users to leave their reviews. In reality, every operation on the Revain platform is powered by the REV token. Besides all that, the REV token is used to withdraw RVN to exchanges. 

Revain (REV) token – get all the information

Besides questions such as “Is revain a good investment nowadays” there are these crypto enthusiasts who are wondering what it is and where to buy Revain crypto. First, Revain or REV represents a utility token released by the Revain project that aggregates reviews on their products or services ranked by the average user score. 

The REV token is necessary to strengthen the Revain platform and keep all its products together. This token is also received, sent, and exchanged. As mentioned above, holders of REV tokens can change them to dollar-pegged assets. They can also use it to reward authors for writing their reviews and assist in improving the platform’s content.

Where to buy Revain crypto nowadays?

At the moment, the REV token is supported by Uniswap and is listed on numerous exchanges such as:

  • DEX-Trade
  • BitMart,
  • Atomars
  • CREX24
  • Bilaxy
  • Bitexlive
  • Emirex
  • HBTC,
  • Coinsbit, etc.

How to buy Revain crypto?

If you are eager to learn more about how to buy revain crypto, here are all the essential steps you need to follow:

  • Download a meta mask wallet
  • Set it up
  • Purchase Ethereum as your base currency
  • Transfer ETH from Binance to your crypto wallet
  • Choose DEX and connect your wallet
  • Trade ETH with the desired coin
  • If you don’t find Revain coin, search for its Smart Contract to get the smart contract address.
  • Click on the “Swap” button.

Revain crypto price prediction

Before knowing whether “is revain a good investment,” it’s crucial to know the Revain crypto price prediction. According to our experts, the Bullish Revain price by 2030 will be between $0.003206 and $0.006057.

By 2025, Revain crypto might be worth approximately $0.002494. When it comes to the Bearish Revain market price for 2023, the prediction is $0.00057.

Is Revain a good investment, ultimately?

According to expert crypto analysts, the Revain is 100% legit for investment purposes. However, some individuals predict that these digital coins are generally unsuitable for short-term holders, and they suggest selling all the REV coins at the current price. Ultimately, it might be the best idea for now to sell REV crypto at current prices and wait for a better investment opportunity.

So, those who were wondering, “Is Revain a good investment ultimately” might sell their REV tokens now if they have any of these, because Revain hasn’t seen the best of its days. However, who knows what the volatile crypto market might look like in the near future? Everything is possible. 

Bottom Line

Any investment you make in certain cryptocurrencies is solely your decision and responsibility. Revain cryptocurrency may be in a not-so-great position right now, but the future in the crypto market is very uncertain and can be very surprising! 

The idea behind the Revain platform is useful and could surprise us when it blossoms in some future period, and you never know. However, it’s up to you to follow the market, research, and be decisive when you need to be because that’s the only way you have a chance to make serious profits in this industry in the long run! 

Good luck in your long-term crypto trading career!