Hentai NFTs - are they art or NSFW?

Hentai NFTs – Are they art or NSFW?

Have you heard about one of the most popular projects in recent times called the Hentai NFT Collection? Do you know what this collection is all about and what makes it stand out from the many other NFTs that appear on the market almost daily?

First of all, we have witnessed that the popularity of Non-Fungible Tokens has been on an extreme rise in the last two years. Not only seasoned crypto enthusiasts but a large number of non-specialists who have had no contact with NFT are considering investing in these non-fungible tokens.

And the main question among many potential investors is which NFTs is good and advisable to invest in. One of those is certainly the Hentai NFTs, about whose collection you will get a bunch of interesting information in the following text.

Let’s get started from the beginning about the Hentai NFT project and see what this specific NFT collection entails in the first place, shall we?

What is the Hentai NFTs project all about?

The Hentai NFTs project represents a collection of 6969 unique Hentai NFTs that are stored on the Ethereum blockchain. They’re coexisting in a society that includes a government that prohibits self-expression. Each of these NFTs includes unique titles, names, and traits.

Keep in mind that hidden traits exist here. These hidden traits are fetish, wings, and preferences. Regarding the Hentai NFTs price, every Hentai costs about 0.09 ETH plus GAS, which excludes FOMO pricing and bonding curve. Thus, it’s relatively cheap for everyone to purchase one of these unique non-fungible tokens.

The story about the Hentai NFTs project

It is the future, the year 2035, where fantasy meets reality. Imagine an AR world full of unique fantasy creatures; all things imagined are there for the taking. We are talking about the most primal desires for indulgence. Just imagine the perfect Hentai Girl who is the embodiment of exotic perfection. A woman with all the features you’ve always craved to call your own.

The Hentai NFT is the passport to this virtual portal of secret indulgence. Once you enter this fantasy world, you may expect a lot of emotions, surprises, and opportunities to explore all the secretive parts of your imagination that went unnoticed.

According to the creators of the Hentai NFT, they wish to explore this virtual world with all the enthusiasts where no stone is left unturned. Of course, until they all together understand the untamed soul and the puzzling history of the Hentai Girl.

Buying Hentai NFTs gives you intellectual property

If you decide to buy Hentai NFTs, you need to know that once you buy one of them, you own the Intellectual Property and all the commercial rights. It is so until you retain ownership. Therefore, feel free to use this amazing opportunity and be as creative as possible.

  • There are 6969 unique Hentai Girls;
  • Every Hentai Girl is worth 0.09 ETH, with no FOMO pricing and bonding curve;
  • Commercial usage rights and ownership are given to the consumer over their NFT;
  • Through roadmap activations, acquire all the additional benefits.

Roadmap of the Hentai NFTs project

When it comes to the roadmap activation, the creators of the Hentai NFTs project wanted to enable the community wallet that will be utilized to maximize the growth of the whole Hentai community. At the same time, their main plan is to reward their early adopters. They’ll use the community funds for future integrations, giveaways, and much more to come.

The roadmap goes like this:

  • 25% of all the Hentai NFT sold will be used to integrate with RarityTools. With that, they want to enable enthusiasts about this project to see how rare their NFT is and to compare all of the traits.
  • 50% – There’ll be a huge surprise for all the Hentai NFTs holders at this stage.
  • 100% – Once 100% of the total Hentai NFTs sell out, the creators will randomly select the holder of Hentai NFTs to win a framed print of their Hentai girl.

How to buy the Hentai NFTs?

To buy the Hentai NFTs, they’re available on their official website, hentai-nft.io, through an initial sale. Do not forget that, at the time of buying these non-fungible tokens, there will be a random selection of Hentai Girls to be minted on the Ethereum blockchain and then delivered to your OpenSea account and wallet.

Once you hit the “Mint” button, since you will be claiming a random NFT token, you will receive a random girl with all the traits. Some of these traits are semi-colorful, while others are fully colored.

It all depends on the luck of these buyers. To get more Hentai, NFT is essential to trade these NFTs.

Buying NFTs on the OpenSea marketplace

Generally speaking, buying NFTs on the OpenSea marketplace is easy once you follow these necessary steps:

  1. Open your preferred browser.
  2. Go to the OpenSea marketplace.
  3. Look through the OpenSea platform and click on the desired NFT.
  4. Click the “Buy Now” button.
  5. Don’t forget to Agree to the terms of the marketplace.
  6. Once you do so, choose “Checkout.” The MetaMask extension should now drop down, allowing you to see your purchase price.

The Hentai NFTs Statistics on the OpenSea

  • Items: 269
  • Owners: 23
  • Total Volume: 0.28
  • Floor Price:<0.01 ETH

What to expect from the team behind the Hentai NFTs project?

Besides the original Hentai NFT collection, a unique bunch of interesting NFTs, the creative team is building the AR game where players can start their journey to the artificial reality world of Hentai.

Remember that all gamers who choose to play this interesting AR Hentai game have the opportunity for their NFTs to be passed to enter this world. It’s just a suggestion, according to the creators, however.

Is Hentai NFT considered to be NSFW?

One of the main questions regarding the original Hentai NFTs collection is whether it is considered NSFW or real art? Are these not a dirty Hentai collection or works of art in general? First, NSFW stands for the “Not Safe For Work” NFT, alluding to adult content.

It’s no secret that an increasing number of people are migrating to the crypto and NFT world. Thus, NSFW needs its own space in this emerging industry. Although some people might consider the “Not Safe For Work” label as something dirty or not worthy, there are others who think of it as a special way of art.

Those thinking whether Hentai NFTs is art or NSFW might consider it “NSFW” art since eroticism can also be a worthy art. And we aren’t talking about the crypto or NFT industry only. There are a lot of examples in art history where the main inspiration for many painters was nudity and sex.

Therefore, those who think of it as porn NFTs could change their perspective and see it the other way around. It’s all up to you and your point of view.

A great opportunity for the adult industry

Those who still consider Hentai NFTs as NSFW should know that the adult industry has an interesting opportunity to create a new way for adult content creators who can participate digitally.

It’s a new frontier for systems and platform design. Keep in mind that numerous platforms, such as Unique Fans, a decentralized community-run NSFW NFT platform, have managed to evolve from the necessities of online communities.

What are Non-Fungible Tokens exactly?

NFTs are non-fungible tokens, a unit of data stored in Blockchain technology, a special form of distributive ledger. These tokens may grant access to:

  • Prizes
  • Events
  • Future products
  • Exclusive content

Every NFT can unlock different membership access levels, depending on how the seller uses it. It’s the main reason why NFTs are usually so expensive. Usually, this data is stored in a piece of artwork that can be either a photo, audio, video file, or even tweet, meme, or GIF. That artwork contains exclusive prizes and access for holders.

The reason why non-fungible tokens are getting more popular lately is because they are successfully cutting out the middle man. It means that people are able to sell their NFTs directly to their buyers without the need to distribute tickets to their community or audience. Entrepreneurs and business owners could be the ones to profit the most from this Blockchain technology.

How is NFT changing the world?

The rise of these decentralized platforms and DAOs has begun transforming how people interact with each other and how we exchange values. Remember, it is where the community gets to tailor the economic models and rules to fit the needs of that community.

These unique non-fungible tokens are here to change how we communicate and transmit information completely. Regarding consumers, non-fungible tokens could be a great way to collect and keep something special from their favorite content creators.

Besides that, NFTs will allow all content creators to connect with the community and sell tokens for exclusive content. It’ll allow them to build one-of-a-kind artwork from that particular content creator they admire and want to support.

Keep in mind that these artworks are specially designed so that it’s unable to copy or duplicate them. They were originally developed to copyright or protect the work of artists.

Categories: NFT | METAVERSE