
Future of welfare in Europe

When asked which country has the best welfare system, the majority of people will typically mention Scandinavia. As a result, the majority of people won’t be able to give the right response when asked what the best welfare system is.

Most people like to praise the Scandinavian welfare system when discussing it. And from the outside looking in, this makes a lot of sense. The welfare programs in the Scandinavian countries. Which lay the groundwork for their prosperity. They are largely to blame for their ranking among the richest and most prosperous countries on earth. The Scandinavian welfare system is currently functioning well. However it will not be able to sustain the strain that the future will undoubtedly bring. Around 100 to 150 years old, the Scandinavian welfare model is beginning to show its age.

Nevertheless, there are currently newer, more effective,  alternatives.  These are somewhat outdated welfare systems. They can be found in the Scandinavian countries. They are already in use in some areas. The nations implementing these substitute systems discovered a method.  They do away with all the drawbacks of Scandinavian welfare systems while retaining its main strength. It is universal accessibility. Previously poorer than the majority of Scandinavian nations. The nations utilizing these alternative systems are today as prosperous as or even wealthier than Scandinavian nations.

The Scandinavian welfare systems are supported by tax payer money, and the majority of social services are provided gratis to all inhabitants. This has led to a system where no man is left behind, everyone feels safe and secure, and no one gets in any serious financial problems as a result of welfare bills. As a result, every single Danish citizen has had access to a wide range of decent to good quality services.

Future of welfare in Scandinavia

All of this is actually very encouraging. The shortcomings of the Scandinavian systems, however, are not related to the accessibility of their services but rather to the caliber of those services. The Scandinavian welfare sectors are more or less monopolies because they are administered by the governments. Despite increasing resources, the quality of welfare has decreased as a result of the public welfare providers’ inability to innovate or improve due to a lack of competition.

Although it may seem like an absurd charge, this is actually the case. Take Denmark, which is where I’m from. We experienced a major controversy a few months ago when it was revealed that our healthcare industry had performed far too many unnecessary amputations. Another instance occurred about a year ago, when a documentary revealed that residents of nursing facilities for the elderly across the nation were receiving subpar care and had a very low quality of life. Even my own experience with subpar medical care comes to mind. My father received a cancer diagnosis in October of last year at 23 in the evening. It took two hours for the doctors to give us the sleeping medicine we requested!

We notice a trend among public sector workers to continually be moaning about stress, poor treatment, and inadequate salaries – and with good reason too, to use my own Denmark as an example. The present inflation issue has made this clearer, and our leaders have no idea what to do about it. The majority of recommendations for easing some of the financial troubles are paid either by printing more money or by imposing a one-time tax on large corporations, both of which are acceptable in the short term but would be absolutely unworkable in the long run.

Categories: Economy