
EU’s USB-C Mandate Approval

The EU is pushing USB-C legislation on various consumer gadgets. The EU Parliament finally ratified the accord reached in September with the EU Council today. The Council will approve and publish the law in the EU’s Official Journal.

The council’s statement restated the schedule and other categories of equipment affected. By the end of 2024, most EU user tech should use USB-C.

The law also mandates that all fast-charging devices use the same charging speed. This guideline will have “specific labels” that describe charging capabilities.

Following the rule’s publication, European union member states will have one year to transpose the requirements and another year to comply. The law covers only products released after this date.

Critics Dislike This Idea

When the European Union revealed plans to mandate USB-C charging in September 2021, various critics, including Apple, warned that such a rule could stifle innovation. The EC has stated that if new technologies are worthy, it will work with vendors to adjust existing regulations. For example, the EU’s universal charging obligations may one day require charging methods other than USB-C.

Wireless charging is a way to get around EU USB-C regulations for companies like Apple that insist on using this technology in their products. Although rumors of a USB-C iPhone have circulated, Apple prefers its Lightning connector. While EU regulations would not prohibit the proprietary connector, it would require USB-C alongside it. However, an iPhone that relied purely on wireless charging would be impracticable due to cost, data transfer problems, and chassis durability. Furthermore, the European Union government will eventually regulate wireless charging.

Categories: Technology