EPNS offers to send notifications to wallet addresses

EPNS offers to send notifications to wallet addresses

Ethereum Push Notification Service (EPNS) is a decentralized notification protocol. It enables dApps, smart contracts, and even traditional services to send notifications to wallet addresses. However, those wallet addresses must opt to receive them from that particular service first. Users can also obtain token incentives through active participation.

The EPNS team recently announced that they are excited due to the strong community support and plan to launch Ethereum Push Notification Service (PUSH) token on Polkastarter on April 13th, 2021. Initial DEX offering (IDO) has already started. The $PUSH price is $0.12 per token, and 833,333 PUSH are available through the IDO.

How does the EPNS protocol work?

EPNS is a notification protocol. Its creators see notifications as the means to communicate information that can carry different utilities, be of different types, and perform various tasks as per their use cases.

To enable this, the team assigns each notification payload a payload type. The latter defines certain characteristics of both the medium of storage and the data they carry. While the flexibility of notification payload is crucial, the team also establishes the rules between channels and their subscribers to have an impact on their use cases and utility.

EPNS ensured that the specifications and the payload determine the notification’s use case instead of treating them as plain standard ones. The users will receive notifications with a different content type (images, videos, call to action, etc.). EPNS will allow future content or payload to be different, as well as be interpreted differently.

The protocol will also make interpreting payload storage flexible, considering that changing payload type can indicate the storage medium (IPFS, on-chain, other storage solutions).

Using EPNS, services can create a channel that any user can subscribe to. They can even approve users as subscribers or create business cases around them. Channel and users will be able to approve each other before the information is shared between them.

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