Cncintel Review
General information
Company name: Cncintel
Country: US, Isreal
Operating since year: 2021
Status: Active
Customer Service
Phone: +(202) 754-8981
Languages: English


Cncintel Review 2021

Cncintel is a company that deals with a new type of scam which we refer to as refund fraud. In short, the company attempts to attract users that have been slighted by online services and exploit them further. The scam is especially malicious cause it hinges on both misinformation and victim vulnerability. As such, even seasoned traders and investors can fall for them easily if they aren’t aware. Another predatory aspect of such companies is their preferred advertisement method which we’ll explain next in our Cncnintel review.

Namely, Cncintel and companies like it mostly use trust review sites to attract potential victims. They make up stories of the service they’re reviewing scamming them and leave some contact info. Such companies hope that other users reviewing the site will see that and attempt to reach them. Now, this is especially malicious since these companies are aware that users harmed by financial firms leave bad reviews. They use trust rating websites as the perfect spot to attract attention from recent scam victims.

Furthermore, such tactics harm the financial companies they utilize them on. Refund companies can review bomb with hundreds of comments and ratings. Needless to say, that can drag a financial company’s rating way down, making it way less attractive to users. With trust review sites being one of the premier resources in determining company validity, refund companies muddy the waters significantly. Such marketing harms firms, preys on vulnerable users, and makes the entire financial company landscape less welcoming.

Because of all of that, companies like CNC Intel are a significant threat to online financial business customers. Not only do they have an immediate impact on the ones they harm, but they also have a broader effect.



This is the part of our Cncintel review where we explain why we consider the firm a scam. On the surface, refund companies may seem like legal assistants or even legal entities. However, the companies have no such authority and intentionally try to appear more formal than they are. Normally, these companies don’t actually provide any services and are just out for your info.

However, there are some cases where the companies do provide some fringe services. Even in such cases, they get back with nothing of use and simply cost users their money. As such, every refund company is, at best, a glorified bank customer support operator. All they can do is call your bank and request a chargeback, which you can also do yourself. Even if they do that, there’s no guarantee of it being effective in any way.

But even beyond that, there are apparent signs that Cncintel is nothing more than a scam. For starters, each of their addresses contains multiple companies or is obtainable by fake means. There are online services that sell you an address you can use for your business to appear more valid. Cncintel seemingly utilizes such services on a multitude of its addresses, which is worrying already. On top of that, even though looks nice, it’s devoid of much substance, meaning the site is just for show.

So overall, it’s apparent that Cncintel is fishy security-wise. To pile on everything else, we should also mention that Cncintel presents itself as a private investigator. Everybody already knows that PIs are in the legal grey area at best, so there’s more concerning material. However, we should state that Cncintel is one of the more valid-looking refund companies, making it especially dangerous.



For this part of our Cncintel review, we’ll review their services and how they perpetuate the scam. If you’re into the finance world, you’ll be able to recognize that most things the firm offers are fake. However, if you’re new or have a lapse in alertness, you can mistake them for regular services. As we already said, it’s not that difficult to fall for the scam, even if you’re a seasoned trader.

The most apparent example is Cncintel offering crypto tracing services to customers. One of the issues with that is that not all crypto is even traceable on a technical level. And even for the one that is, most transactions are final, and even with tracing, there’s not much you can do. That’s not even getting into whether or not Cncintel can offer such services or is lying to get attention.

Next, they also say they offer investigative services, which can mean anything in actuality. It’s simply a buzzword that sounds nice to users that don’t take a deeper look. If you say you’re a cyber investigator, it lends you some credibility, although it can literally mean you do Google searches. In the same vein, Cncintel also offers cyber intelligence services, which also hold no substance.

Earlier in our Cncintel review, we talked about the firm being a glorified telephone operator. When we look at its asset recovery program, we see that it’s just that. Even though the firm tries to mask it with fancy wording, all they can do is call your bank or card company. They present the process as extraordinarily complex, although there’s not complexity on the user end.

All Cncintel and other similar companies try to do is convince you they’re some sort of savior. In reality, you can do everything they do by yourself.



From our Cncintel review, it should be apparent that the firm is fraudulent and predatory. Firms similar to it ruin the brokerage and overall online financial service landscape. They force users to be more careful than they already need to be by convoluting the financial firm research process. Instead of looking at a well or poorly-rated company, you need to weed out the fake reviews from the real.

Furthermore, the firm’s so-called services are all basic things you can do yourself. Although they’re masked by intentionally professional-sounding wording, there’s nothing requiring deep knowledge or technology. As far as these companies go, Cncintel is among the more dangerous because it actually made an effort to appear valid. However, don’t be tricked by the pretty website, all that CNC Intelligence can do is dig you further into a hole.

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