Amazon Strives to Get Fit, Launches Halo

Amazon Strives to Get Fit, Launches Halo

Amazon penetrates the health gadget market to encourage users to improve their overall health and wellness.

The technology giant introduced a fitness app and band called “Halo”. It will help users track everyday activities such as sleep, temperature, and heart rate. It allows for the use of the user’s voice, among other things.

Unlike its competitors Apple Watch and Fitbit, the new market entrant does not have a standalone screen. It needs the help of the Halo app to access the usual tracking features.

Similarly, they added innovative add-ons, featuring the use of the user’s camera to scan body fat and listen to a voice’s emotion to track mood.

The new product will be available for US consumers starting today at an introductory price of $64.99 for a band-and-subscription bundle.

After this initial offering, the band will cost $99.9. The app will come at a subscription fee of $3.99 to enable user access to more advanced features.

Included in the subscription are a suite of labs featuring for the improvement of people’s habits.

Along with cardio, sleep, and voice tone tracking and body fat scanning features come small challenges that shall motivate users to strive to become fit. These are everyday meditation, improving self habits, and building basic exercise routines.

The firm teamed up with some of the fitness industry’s frontrunners, namely Headspace, Weight Watchers, and John Hancock Vitality.

Technology enthusiasts noted that Halo’s lack of a screen is an indicator of Amazon’s advance to venture on lifestyle change instead of sports and exercise alone.

The modern technology company disclaims that the Halo band is a medical device. Hence, it did not file for FDA clearance or similar approval.

This is the e-commerce platform’s most significant penetration to the health market to date. Amazon Prime will not cover the app’s service.


A Fresh Start with Amazon Fresh: Automated Grocery Store

Along with dropping the fitness bomb there was Amazon’s announcement of its newest grocery store, Amazon Fresh.

The new store will feature departments similar to what consumers find on typical grocery stores such as produce, dry goods, meat counters, and grab-and-go sections.

But unlike traditional versions, the technology giant’s grocery store boasts its iconic Alexa. This will help shoppers find products listed on their grocery list faster.

The aid of artificial intelligence will make the store different from others in the industry, as is usually expected of the tech giant.

Located in Woodland Hills, California, Amazon Fresh will open today for selected residents and for the general public in a few weeks.

In 2017, the tech giant acquired Whole Foods Market, a supermarket specializing in natural and organic offerings, for $13.7 billion.

The new investment will capitalize on the US grocery sector’s $800 billion net worth. It will thus allow them to deviate from what Whole Foods offers to consumers.

Amazon currently holds 4% in the consumer market against Wallmart’s 21%.

It confirmed the opening of seven Amazon Fresh stores at an indefinite date. Some will be online-only sites to be used for the swift delivery of digital grocery orders.

Just in time with its soaring ventures, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos topped technology news after his net worth surpassed the $200 billion mark, securing his spot as the world’s richest man alive.

Categories: Technology