Ads On FB to be Removed, Dutch Court Orders - Finance Brokerage

Ads on FB to be Removed, Dutch Court Orders

A Dutch court has ruled to remove ads with Bitcoin (BTC)-related fraudulent on Facebook. This occurred following the lawsuit of John de Mol against the social media giant.

In addition to that, De Mol initiated judicial proceedings against the company back in June 2019. According to him, Facebook failed to respond to multiple requests to take down ads of scam that misused his and other celebrities’ images. This eventually ended in a loss of 1.7 million euros or $1.8 million by investors.

Then, after de Mol’s claim, a Dutch court ruled out that Facebook must remove the ads. Moreover, it needs to provide all the information available regarding the people who stood behind the scam advertisements. Additionally, if the firm did not comply, they will be fined up to 1.1 million euros or $1.2 million.

On the other hand, Facebook ostensibly said in the court that it already eliminated the ads. And it is also considering every legal action, including an appeal. The social media giant even expressed how the ruling did not make any change in its commitment to fight these kinds of ads.

“We cannot stress enough that these types of ads have no place, and we remove them when we find them,” Facebook explained.

Facebook Crypto Ads

Furthermore, this is not the first event where De Mol brought up Facebook crypto ads, which capitalized on his image. The billionaire encountered this early in October 2017. During that time, Jacqueline Schaap, a lawyer from De Mol’s legal team, stated that de Mol saw the ads for the first time in October 2018. They were not sure if those are the first ones to appear.

Schaap declared, “We just have not noticed them before. But that does not mean that they have not been published.”

In April 2018, British journalist and TV presenter Martin Lewis also sued Facebook. He accused the firm of defamation linked to deceptive cryptocurrency ads.

Categories: Cryptocurrencies