Tech giants attended White House forum on quantum technology

On Tuesday, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft joined a Biden administration conference to discuss quantum technologies. It was the initiative from the U.S. government as it started to work on preventing hacking threats and corners on the growing industry.

The Office of Science and Technology Policy of the White House hosted the event to discuss critical quantum computing applications, expected to serve millions of times faster than modern advanced supercomputers.

How can it benefit the industry?

According to an administration spokesperson, International Business Machines Corp, Boeing Co, Honeywell International, Intel Corp, and Northrop Grumman Corp also attended.

Assistant director for quantum information science at the Office of Science and Technology Policy, Charlie Tahan, said that there’s a lot of activity about quantum computers and experiments about quantum sensors. He added that they want to investigate and test the applications that prospective quantum computers could run while benefitting society.

Based on the core laws of physics, the technology is still in its immature state. Still, it has become popular and useful for investors trying to revolutionize finance, healthcare, artificial intelligence, weather forecasting, and many other areas of their interest.

President Joe Biden’s administration mainly focuses on quantum technology’s implications on the national security level, which promises to crack encryption standards in use now quickly. Washington regards China as its chief competitor abroad, making notable efforts to develop the technology. Besides that, Tahan noted that the Biden administration hopes to support more students interested in this field while promoting more involvement in this field. They try to increase cybersecurity regarding development of the field and private research to prevent harmful activities. Congress has already funded hundreds of millions of dollars for quantum research laboratories and other necessary activities to help the industry develop faster and effectively.

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