Apple In Chinese Labor Rule Violations

Apple In Chinese Labor Rule Violations - Finance Brokerage

Apple and Foxconn, its manufacturing partner, broke a Chinese labor rule. The firms are allegedly using too much temporary staff in the largest iPhone factory in the world. Aside from that, after the report about alleged harsh working conditions, the companies confirmed the violation.

The non-profit advocacy group, China Labor Watch, investigated conditions in Chinese factories. And aside from its current violation, it uncovered other labor rights violation by Apple partners in the past.

Chinese labor law imposed a maximum of 10% for temporary staffs or dispatch workers. And CLW discovered Foxconn having as much as 50% of it in the workforce in August.

According to Apple, as of now, it is working closely with Foxconn to solve the problem. Also, when the tech giant saw an issue, it will work with suppliers to “take immediate corrective action.”

Moreover, Apple’s supply chain had experienced criticisms for years due to its poor labor standards. Also, the firm had pressured manufacturing partners to improve factory conditions or lose business with them. But these suppliers and assemblers are always churning out more handsets.

Chinese Labor Watch and Workers

Meanwhile, Chinese Labor Watch started in 2000 as a 501(c)(3) organization to review factories that makes a variety of products for some of the world’s largest multinational companies.

In its report, it showed 55% of factory staff were dispatch workers in 2018. And in August about 50%, including student interns. And after these students went back to school by the end of August, the number is now near 30%, still a violation.

Apple stated, “Everyone in our supply chain should be treated with dignity and respect.” The tech giant also explained that they have robust management systems in place to ensure that they follow their high standards. And it will begin with training on workplace rights, on-site worker interviews, anonymous grievance channels, and ongoing audits.

Meanwhile, Foxconn made clear that the use of dispatch workers and the overtime work carried out by its employees was purely voluntary. And it was not consistent with company guidelines.


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